Friday 4 March 2016

Great Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Mobile SEO Performance

Mobile SEO Services

SEO is one of the most popular as well as well-proven techniques by which you can boost your mobile SEO performance, your website ranking in all major search engines. You might think why you need mobile SEO? The answer is simple. These days due to small and medium size smart devices, almost 60 percent search comes from mobile, so you need mobile SEO to get those visitors. When Google updated mobile in the month of April that helps marketers as well as general people to have mobile friendly label for mobile search engine result pages. To attain that level you should look for a professional SEO service provider that can help you to achieve that level.

Important Things You Should Do for Mobile SEO

There are hundreds and thousands of SEO Company you found in your country or city but only a professional SEO company can help you to get that level, especially for mobile SEO ranking which you are looking for. A comprehensive level of professional SEO mobile SEO service with all new techniques that only a hardcore SEO professional understands. Let us see what you can get from a professional SEO company. Now let us see the important things for mobile SEO.
  • Sitemap is one of the most important things for SEO not only for general SEO, but also for mobile SEO, so you need to build a sitemap for your mobile site and allow search engines to understand of your mobile pages.
  • Check the Google bot or search engines bot whether they index as well as render your mobile site. The robot.txt file is one of the most essential files for rendering and indexing.
  • Craw error pages and try to avoid duplicate content, if you are running another website for mobile views then use different and unique content for them.
  • Optimizing the Meta tags and finding the appropriate keywords are important, the title can be 55 – 60 characters and Meta tags can be 115-120 characters long.
  • You should create an individual webmaster tool for your mobile site, that help you understand and verify your mobile site for better mobile SEO.

So from the above discussion you understood how mobile search engine optimization is important and give you better mobile views and boosting business.

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