Monday 8 February 2016

Important Factors That Affect The Cost Of A Website Redesign

The functionality related to mobile responsive website is driving a lot of companies to put website redesign on the list of priority marketing project. Not only mobile websites, there are companies that are implementing and expanding inbound marketing plan required by a website as foundational element.

At the time of starting conversion regarding new projects, the first thing people desire to know is all about the cost. In order to halt to the best answer, it is better to go through guidelines related to wide range of pricing. As per experts who presented themselves in the HubSpot Inbound 2014 Conference, companies must expect to pay quality agency up to $25,000 regarding designing and developing of a typical website.

  • Factors Behind Website Redesigning and Bids ReceivedThere are certain factors that lead towards projects dealing with website redesign services along with received bids.  It is high time to know what influences costs throughout the whole process along with determining the payment to be done. Those factors can be mentioned in a nutshell as under:

  • Business, Marketing as well as Sales Strategy – Each and every website project must start with a strategy which has been developed either by you or your agency. Some of them are very much basic and some are too complex. The time it takes in total to figure out the strategy must be expected to be added to the overall cost of project.

    On the other hand, quality website strategy will be paying long-term dividends related to sales as well as marketing. The agency dealing with website redesign services must strive to learn a lot about the business in order to create a custom quote. This creates a small chance for any additional costs during the website designing process.

    It is a fact that a website requires a constructive plan to attract quality leads towards your website. Once they are on your site, you need to mention the offers to be presented for capturing them as leads along with figuring out personas along with content for considering purchase. 

  • Website complex coding – It is considered to be a part of strategy to identify if you require managing a lot of database driven content. In case of complex functionality, in depth integrations as well as deep custom programming your cost may get increased. Hence, it is advised to discuss these issues with chosen web design agency to confirm if they have the desired coding skills along with knowing additional cost for extra coding.

    The discussions regarding complex coding must not be skipped as in case your agency does not know how to do that particular work, it may conclude derailing both projects along with deadline. You can also confirm if they are familiar with the desired coding.  

  • Website Content and Blog – This is another vital concept in the checklist of website redesign. Maximum website projects as well as pricing are based on the presumption that the client will provide all the contents. In case of extensive copywriting, additional cost gets included.

    Requesting some sort of help in order to produce a content map as well as content strategy for additional pages also adds extra cost for expertise. Concepts regarding content as well as offers for home page needs to be developed prior to design kick off in order for the strategy, development as well as design.

    Well planned as well as complete content makes web projects run smoothly and will also keep your cost down. Hiring of content specialists will definitely increase cost of the project. 

  • Web layouts as well as graphics – Website designing is really considered to be the beginning phase that is necessary to visually enhance the experience of the user. Laying out of website navigation, call-to-action, content along with blog feeds tell the visitors lot more about the business.

    A clean designed as well as professional branding along with proper matching of corporate identity will inspire confidence in business.  A good web designer thinks about all such issues rather than petty color. He also takes into consideration the way users will interact with offers and contents along with the way design must be adapted for mobile devices.

    He also takes care of the fact how the website platform will work with content modules and templates along with the way a search engine will read the content. The designs implemented must be indicative, interactive along with comprising of hovering effect. A good template greatly reduces the running costs for updating, maintaining as well as expanding websites.

  • Developers and coding – There exist off the shelf website templates as well as themes but very often suffer from lack of refined coding as well as custom elements that help to make the website a piece of software to propel the business.

    In case platforms like Marketo and HubSpot are used, the developers will think about the way of using elements like smart content along with offers on pages to make it easy and more functional for marketing teams.

    Good developers create enhanced tools along with functionality for staff who automate things that are manual. They ensure that integrations are properly set up along with enhancing basic platform for speed, adaptability hence making it easier to spin up new pages. Depending on the basis of developers, you will be seeing significant price fluctuations. 

  • Onsite Website Support – Ongoing resources must also be considered to be as a factor while taking decisions. It must be ensured that whether the agency will be able to provide support in case of minor updates related to designing as well as coding. Also, they must hold the knowledge of fixing problems related to formatting and CSS.

    In case of a low bid, it is good to ask in advance about support along with the builder of website. For all sorts of bids, it will be good to ask about support for ongoing costs, tweaks along with expected turnaround time.

    Cheap websites are never worth of anything. One must take a free and no-obligation consultation from professional website design companies in order to communicate website goals.